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 Neighbors described in detail the misdeeds of the tyrannical husband who wronged some poor villager and expressed their verdict very briefly and said, 'Such a husband's face is on fire.'

Jaigopalbabu's wife Shashi felt very distressed on hearing this--no other kind of fire except the fire of a cigar in the face of the husband, under any circumstances befits the wife who desires it.

Therefore, she was reluctant to show any hesitation about this and said with redoubled enthusiasm, 'It is better to be a widow of seven births than to have such a husband.' Saying this, he left the meeting.

Shashi said to herself, I can't imagine any such crime of a husband, for which the feeling towards him can become so hard. As she discussed this in her mind, all the affections of her tender heart became excited towards her expatriate husband; She spread her arms over the part of the bed where her husband used to sleep and kissed the empty pillow, smelled the scent of her husband's head in the pillow and closed the door and took out some of her husband's long-lost photographs and handwritten letters from the wooden box. The silent afternoon of that day was thus spent in the darkened room in solitary thoughts of old memories and tears of sorrow.

It is not the newlyweds of Sasikala and Jayagopal. Married at a young age, already had children. Both of them have been staying together for a long time and spent their days in a very simple way. Neither side showed any sign of inordinate passion. After living together for almost sixteen years without separation, after her husband suddenly went abroad on business, a strong passion was awakened in Sashi's mind. As the bond was strained by hatred, The noose of love in the tender heart was tightened; The pain that could not be felt in the loose state now began to gnaw.

So today, after so long, of being the mother of a son at such a young age, Shashi began to dream of the blissful dream of a young bride lying in a lonely bed on a lonely spring midday. The love that has unconsciously flowed across the face of life suddenly awakened today to the sound of his hymns, and in his mind, he saw many golden palaces and many forests far away on both banks - but now there is no place to step into that past happiness. I began to think, 'This time when I will find my husband, I will not let life be dull and spring fruitless.' How long and how many times has she troubled her husband with trivial arguments and petty quarrels; Today in penitent heart she resolved, never again to show intolerance, never to obstruct her husband's wishes, to obey her husband's orders, to endure all his husband's behavior with a loving meek heart--for, the husband is all, the husband is dear, the husband is the god.

For a long time, Sasikala was the only beloved daughter of her parents. Therefore, although Jayagopal was doing a small job, he had no thought for the future. His father-in-law had enough property to live in Rajbhog at Palligram.

At that time a son was born to Sasikala's father, Kaliprasanna, at a very premature age. To tell the truth, Sashi was deeply hurt by such unexpected and inconsistent behavior of their parents; Jayagopal also did not gain special favor.

The parents' affection for the older boy became very intense. When this new, tiny, lactating, sleepy brother-in-law sat unknowingly in the tiny clenched fists of two feeble hands, stealing all of Jayagopal's hopes, he took a job in a tea garden in Assam.

Everyone urged him to look for a job nearby--but either out of anger at everyone or knowing some way to quickly rise in the tea garden, Jayagopal paid no heed to anyone's words; He left Shashi with her children in her father's house and went to Assam. This is the first separation of husband and wife in married life.

Sasikala was very angry with the child's brother in this incident. The anger of the heart that does not dare to speak openly is the most. The little one began to nurse comfortably and sleep with closed eyes, and her elder sister became agitated and restless on various occasions - milk was hot, rice was cold, her son was late for school, etc.

Within a few days, the boy's mother died; Before dying, the mother handed over the infant son to her daughter.

Then immediately that motherless boy easily won the heart of his grandmother. When she pounced on him with utter eagerness and tried to swallow his face, eyes, and nose in his tiny toothless mouth, took a lock of her hair in his tiny fist and did not want to let go of anything, he woke up before sunrise and rolled over to her body and gently touched her. Pulakit would start the Mahakalarab; When gradually he began to call her Jiji and Jijima; by doing forbidden things during work and leisure time, eating forbidden food, and going to forbidden places, he started harassing her according to the law, Sashi could not live anymore. He surrendered completely to this arbitrary petty tyrant. As the boy did not have a mother, his dominance over him increased.

The boy's name was Neelmani. When he was two years old, his father suffered severe pain. A letter went to Jayagopal to leave very soon. Kaliprasanna's death was present when Jayagopala arrived with leave after many efforts.

Before his death, Kaliprasanna entrusted the care of the minor boy to Jayagopala and wrote the Sikh part of his affairs in the name of his daughter. So Jayagopal had to leave work to protect his affairs.

After a long time, the husband and wife were reunited. If an inanimate object is broken, it can be put back together, but where two people are separated after a long separation, they do not match exactly. Because the mind is a living substance, it is subject to change and change from moment to moment.

For Shashi, this new meeting brought a new feeling. She remarried her husband. A numbness that had been habitually born in the old marriage, was dispelled by the attraction of Birah, and she received her husband more completely than before; She vowed in her heart that no matter how long the day comes, she will never let the glow of this bright love for her husband fade.

Jayagopal's state of mind in the new meeting is different. When formerly the two were inseparably united, when all his interests and strange habits were united with the wife, the wife had then become a constant fact of life--to omit her would immediately leave many gaps in the net of daily habits. That is why Jayagopal first went abroad and fell into deep waters. But gradually, in the break of that habit, a new habit took place.

Not only that. Previously, he used to spend his days with absolute certainty. In between two years of status improvement efforts had arisen in his mind so strongly that there was nothing else in front of his mind. Compared to the intensity of this new addiction, his previous life seemed like an insignificant shadow. Love causes the chief change in woman, and misery in man.

Jayagopal came two years later and did not exactly get his former wife back. The baby brother-in-law has added a new dimension to his wife's life. This part is completely unknown to him, he has no connection with his wife in this part. The wife tried hard to give him a share of this childish love of yours, but I cannot tell whether it was successful or not.

Shashi brought Nilmani in her arms and held her smiling face in front of her husband--Nilmani desperately grabbed Sashi's neck and hid her face on his shoulder, not obeying any kind of kinship. Sashi's desire, all the ways that this little brother has mastered to forget the mind, are all revealed to Jayagopala; But Jayagopal is not particularly interested in it and the child is not particularly enthusiastic. Jayagopal could not understand what it was in this lean, big-headed, grave-faced dark-skinned boy for which such affection was being wasted on him.

Girls understand the emotion of love very quickly. Shashi immediately understood that Jayagopal was not particularly fond of Neelmani. Then she kept her brother carefully hidden - tried to keep him away from her husband's unloving gaze. Thus the boy became the treasure of her secret care, the object of her only affection. Everyone knows that the more secret, the more secluded love is, the stronger it is.

Jaigopal would get very upset when Neelmani would cry, so Shashi would quickly hug her and try with all her might to stop her crying--especially if Neelmani's cries disturbed her husband's sleep at night and he expressed his violent hatred towards this crying boy. George's heart was roaring, and then Sashi would shrink like a criminal; He immediately took her away in his arms and used to make her fall asleep saying 'my gold, my wealth, my manik' in the tone of love.

There are quarrels between boys and boys on various occasions. Previously, in such a place, Shashi used to punish his sons and take his brother's side, because he did not have a mother. Now along with the judge, the penal code changed. Now Neelmani had to suffer severe punishment for being always innocent and unjust. That injustice is struck like a shell in Sashi's bosom; So he takes the condemned brother home and tries to comfort the child's wounded heart by giving him sweets, playing with him, caressing him, and kissing him as much as possible.

As a result, it is seen that the more Sashi loves Neelmani, the more Jayagopal gets annoyed with Neelmani, and the more Jayagopal expresses resentment towards Neelmani, the more Sashi starts anointing him with affection.

The Jayagopal man never acts harshly towards his wife and Sashi serves her husband in silence, meekness, and love; Just taking this sapphire hurt both of them inside and out.

The hidden trauma of such silent conflict is much more painful than the open conflict.

The head was the most important of all the bodies of Neelmani. It seemed as if God had blown a thin stick and made a big bubble on its tip. Doctors also sometimes expressed fear that the boy would be as fragile as this bubble. For a long time, he did not learn to talk and walk. Looking at his sad and solemn face, it was felt that his parents had put all the burdens of their age on the head of this little child.

With the care and service of Didi, Neelmani passed the time of her danger and reached the age of six.

On the day of Kartik month Bhaiphonta, wearing a new dress and a red dhoti, Babu is decorating Neelmani with Shashi Bhaiphonta.

He said, there is no result of secretly destroying his brother and putting drops on his head.

Hearing this, Sashi was shocked with anger and pain. Finally heard that after consulting the husband and wife, the property of minor Nilmani was auctioned and bought anonymously in the name of her husband's cousin.

Hearing this, Sashi cursed that those who can utter such big lies may have leprosy in their mouths.

Saying this, Sarodana came to her husband and told him about Janashruti.

Jayagopal said, 'No one can be trusted these days. Upen my own cousin, I was completely assured by the burden of the matter on him--when he secretly left the rent and bought Mahal Hasilpur himself, I could not even know.'Shashi asked in surprise, 'Won't you complain?'

Jayagopal said, 'How can I file a complaint in the name of my brother? And even if you complain, there is no result, only wasted money.'

Sashi must believe her husband, but she could not believe anything. Then this family of happiness, this home of love suddenly appeared to him in a very terrible shape. The family that seemed to be your ultimate refuge suddenly found a trap of cruel self-interest surrounding their two siblings from all sides. Kulkinara could not help but wonder how she could protect the helpless Neelmani, a single woman. The more he thought, the more his heart filled with fear and loathing and immense love for his endangered boy brother. He felt that if he knew the way, he could have saved his brother's property by offering to Latsaheb and even by writing a letter to the Maharani. The Maharani never allowed the annual profit of seven hundred and fifty-eight rupees from the sale of sapphires in Hasilpur Mahal.

In this way, when Sashi was thinking of a way to woo the Maharani and seize her Pistuto Devar completely, Neelmani's fever suddenly came and she started fainting with regret.

Jayagopal called a village native doctor. When Shashi requested a good doctor, Jayagopal said, 'Why, Motilal is a bad doctor!'

Shashi then fell at his feet, and bowed his head; Jayagopal said, 'Well, I am sending for a doctor from the city.'

Shashi kept Neelmani in her arms and on her chest. Even the sapphire does not let him out of sight; Fear of evasion keeps him attached, even when he falls asleep, the grip does not leave him.

After spending the whole day like this, Jayagopal came in the evening and said, 'Doctor Babu was not found in the city, he has gone far away to see a patient.' He also said, 'I have to go elsewhere today on the occasion of the lawsuit; I told Motilal, he will come regularly and see the patient.'

At night Neelmani was delirious in his sleep. In the morning, without any judgment, Shashi took the sick brother and went to the city in a boat and arrived at the doctor's house. The doctor is at home and has not left the city. Seeing the lady, he quickly fixed the house and established Sashi under the care of the old widow and started treating the boy.

The next day Jayagopal came and attended. Agnimurti in anger allowed his wife to return with him immediately.

The wife said, 'Even if you cut me off, I will not return now; You want to kill my sapphire; He has no mother, no father, he has no one but me, I will protect him.'

Jayagopal angrily said, 'But stay here, don't you come back to my house.'Shashi then became radiant and said, 'What is your house! My brother's house.'Jayagopal said, 'Well, he will be seen!'The people of the neighborhood started to protest for a few days. The neighbors said, 'If you have to quarrel with your husband, don't sit at home, Bapu; What is necessary to leave the house? Even if it's a thousand, it's a husband.'

By spending all the money she had, Sashi saved her brother from death by selling jewelry. Then he got the news that the big land they had in Dwarigram, the land on which their house is located, the income of which will be about one and a half thousand rupees annually, that land has been added to the zamindar and rejected by Jayagopal in his own name. Now the matter is all about them, not his brother.

Getting up from the bed, Neelmani said in a pitiful voice, 'Didi, go home.' There, he is thinking about his companion sisters. So repeatedly said, 'Didi, don't go to our room, Didi!' Didi just started crying after hearing this. 'Where else is our house!'

But just crying is of no use, then his brother had no one else in the world except Didi. Thinking of this, Sashi wiped his tears and went to Deputy Magistrate Tarini Babu's Annapurna and grabbed his wife.

Deputy Babu knew Jayagopal. The wife of Bhadraghar wants to go out of the house take things and property and engage in a dispute with her husband. Forgetting him, he immediately wrote a letter to Jayagopal. Jayagopal forced his wife along with his brother-in-law into a boat and brought them home.

After the second separation in Swamistri, this was the second meeting. Articles of butterflies!

After a long time, Neelmani found his old friends back home and started playing happily. Seeing his peaceful joy, his body and heart were torn apart.

In winter, the Magistrate went out to monitor the waste and camped in the village in search of prey. Neelmani met Saheb on the way to the village. When the other boys saw him, they moved far enough away, after changing Chanakyashloka a little, adding Saheb with Nakhi Danti Shringi, etc. But, the deep-natured Neelmani began to observe the gentleman calmly with unwavering curiosity.

Saheb approached Sakoutu and asked him, 'Do you study in Pathshala?'The boy nodded silently, 'Yes.'

Sahib asked, 'Which book are you reading?'

Neelmani looked at the magistrate's face silently not understanding the meaning of the word book.

Neelmani enthusiastically narrated this acquaintance with the Magistrate to her sister.

At midday, Chapkan wearing a pantaloon turban went to salute the Magistrate Jayagopal. The wealthy candidate Chaprasi Constable is a popular all-rounder. Saheb, fearing the heat, sat outside the tent with a camp table in the open shade and asked Jayagopal about the local situation. Jayagopal was elated at his seat of honor in the presence of all his villagers and thought, 'It would be nice if the Chakravarty and the Nandis came to see them at this time!'

At that time, a woman wearing a veil came and stood in front of the magistrate, accompanied by Neelmani. Said, 'Sir, I surrendered this orphan brother of mine to you, you protect him.'

Seeing the big-headed, serious-looking boy he was familiar with, and assuming the woman to be a lady, he immediately stood up and said, 'You enter the tent.'The woman said, 'I will say what I have to say here.'

Jayagopal began to sneer with a pale face. The curious villagers sensed the ultimate joke and began to rush in from all directions. As soon as Sahib raised his cane, everyone ran.

Then Shashi held his brother's hand and told the whole history of the fatherless boy. To interrupt Jayagopal, the magistrate roared with a red face and said, 'Shut up!' And Betragra ordered him to leave the post and stand in front.

Jayagopal kept standing silently, roaring at Sashi in his mind. Neelmani came very close to Didi and stood and listened in surprise.

When Shashi finished speaking, the magistrate asked Jayagopal a few questions, and after listening to his answer, he remained silent for a long time and addressed Shashi, 'Son, even though this makar dama cannot rise to me, you can rest assured - I will do my duty in this regard. You can take your brother and go back home without fear.'

Shashi said, 'Sir, I dare not take my brother home until he gets his own house back. Now if you don't keep the sapphire close to you, no one can save it.'

Sahib said, 'Where are you going?'

Shashi said, 'I will go back to my husband's house, I have no idea.'

Saheb Ishat Hasiya necessarily agreed to take this neck-maduli-wearing slender dark-skinned Bengali boy with a serious, calm, and gentle nature.

Then when Shashi was leaving, the boy held her. Sahib said, 'Father, you have no fear--come.'

Sashi said, 'Lakshmi bhai, go, bhai - you will meet your sister again.'

Saying this, embracing him and patting him on the back of his head, he hurried away without leaving his territory; As he held Neelmani with his left hand, he began to cry loudly saying 'Didi go, didi' - Shashi turned back once and sent silent consolation to him with his right hand extended from afar and left with a broken heart. Again, the husband and wife met in that long-known old house. Articles of butterflies!

But, this union did not last long. Because, one day after his death, the villagers got the news that Shashi Olautha had died during the night and his cremation was completed at night.

No one said anything about it. Only that neighbor wanted to get up by roaring sometimes, all of them would shut her mouth by 'shut up'.

At the farewell, Shashi had told his brother that he would meet again. I do not know where that word has been saved.

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