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Science Education and Science Mindset

Introduction: Science is the main tool of modern human civilization. Without science, the present time is motionless and dull. Therefore, the present age is the age of science, the age of triumph of science. It is the man who has made this science the asset of civilization. Humans of small size are finding means of acquiring knowledge through the fertile energy of the brain in all material matters of the world. And from that, the scientific mentality was born in human mind. Humans today have surpassed all other living beings on earth and raised themselves to the pinnacle of progress only as a result of science pursuits, perseverance, science education, and the influence of science mentality on the human mind. So today it can be said in one word that science is the driving force of society - 'a direct productive force of society.

What is science psychology? Science is specialized knowledge. And the motto of science is the freedom from the dependence on assumptions and the feeling of encountering the truth. Where there is a smell of mystery, science is born. In fact, a scientific mentality gives people encouragement by setting the path of prejudice-free progress in life and bringing them victory in front of new challenges. So it can be said – What is wrong and what is written for us and to what extent it may be accepted or cannot be accepted.


Necessity of Science Education: Rabindranath Tagore in his essay 'Sikshar Milan' called the science of science 'Sanjeevani Vidya'. Necessity is the mother of invention. Keeping in mind the urgency of this necessity, the discovery of science and building oneself with a more scientific mind - knowing information on various subjects of science and understanding it and sending it deeply into the cells of the mind's enthusiasm. A little knowledge of science should be known from childhood so that at least people will be saved from the sting of deadly insects like superstition and will be happy to think themselves science-minded and help others to become followers of science as well.


Science-mindedness and removal of superstitions: Whenever people are mentally weak they resort to various superstitions. Every time science has flown the flag of progress, superstition has struck with great force. But science could not be stopped because of this, namely by promoting science-mindedness in the human mind with full force. Efforts have been made to make society free of superstitions and have succeeded.

Necessity of Science Education: Rabindranath Tagore in his essay 'Sikshar Milan' called the science of science 'Sanjeevani Vidya'. Necessity is the mother of invention. Keeping in mind the urgency of this necessity, the discovery of science, and building oneself with a more scientific mind - knowing information on various subjects of science and understanding it and sending it deeply into the cells of the mind's enthusiasm. A little knowledge of science should be known from childhood so that at least people will be saved from the sting of deadly insects like superstition and will be happy to think themselves science-minded and help others to become followers of science as well.


Science-mindedness and removal of superstitions: Whenever people are mentally weak they resort to various superstitions. Every time science has flown the flag of progress, superstition has struck with great force. But science could not be stopped because of this, namely by promoting science-mindedness in the human mind with full force. Efforts have been made to make society free of superstitions and have succeeded.

Science education and consciousness and measures taken so far: Science education and consciousness so that every human being in the world. Even though government aid, various newspapers and voluntary organizations as well as small and big clubs have taken a leading role in this work today, they have not been able to achieve much success in that sense. The first sign of the scientific mind is to know oneself, to believe with reason. This extreme fact is unknown to many people. Therefore, our aim should be to encourage people to think scientifically through various camps, training camps, discussion meetings, debate meetings etc. to bring this truth to people. The success that will come through this is actually the success of the society. And through this, the scientific consciousness will take place in the hearts of people.


Advancement of education and victory through scientific consciousness: “Science is the measure of progress in the present world, the progress of civilization is in the progress of science.” – Prafulla Chandra

To further increase this progress of science, a society free from superstitions must be built - and this society can only be built by a sound education system - so today people have removed blind beliefs and superstitions through the spirit of education and planted them everywhere in the sky, on the ground, in the water - that is, Mount Everest, or the seabed. Space expedition is the result of this progress of human being.


Human-oriented science consciousness: the real thing - only machines do not work if the machines do not become human" - therefore along with science education, the mind is also important - it is not only the mind, but all people at all levels of the society must be made science-oriented. From the city to the countryside, from the royal palace to the poor's cottages everywhere.


Conclusion: I know there is no end to people's questions, Internet computers are in every home today, but people's superstitions are still somewhat blocked by the door of science. In such a situation, scientific education can eliminate this idea. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that students can become possessors of science-minded minds outside of traditional education through various discussion cycles, lesson cycles, science-related education as well as exhibitions and debate meetings, and above all under the control of a reform-free teacher. Therefore, not only dry and rough science practice - interesting science education should be spread and only then people will be properly science-minded. He will be fond of his country and heritage as well as possessing a beautiful sound rational free mind and will join himself in the union of philanthropy with a beautiful scientific mind. Only then the development of the nation and the world will be worthwhile, and the spread of knowledge will be strong.

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